Saturday, March 27, 2010

Big and Small

White-Tailed Deer:
I visited EPCAL today as well as last Thursday in pursuit of birds and skunks (of all things).  I was successful with the birds but not so much with the skunks, which may have been due to the cool weather today (barely 35*).  The White-Tailed Deer population on Long Island is more or less out of control as there are no predators other than humans (bobcats, coyotes and wolves used to inhabit the island) and EPCAL is no exception.  I spotted this heard of 12 deer late in the afternoon:

And this individual showed off in the setting sun on Thursday:

Since the lighting wasn't optimal and birds were scarce this afternoon I checked out the grounds to scout for future photo spots.  I found a nice wetland which will probably be ripe with turtles and frogs as well as wildflowers and came across a fox den which appeared to be active.  Additionally I noticed this British Soldier Lichen something I've always wanted to photograph since my introduction to it in Field Biology my freshman year of college.  It's not the optimal photo as I'm still getting used to my macro, and I prefer natural lighting but it's a good start.  This bit of lichen (a combination of algae and moss) is about the size of a penny: 

Macro World:

This equally diminutive mushroom was nearby:

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